The biggest feeling of learning rust is: modern.
That's exactly a modern programming language should be.
这几天入门了下rust,跟着这本 https://t.co/ZYPPCfGYTU教程学的。边学边做ruslings的练习题,把我做的答案上传了: https://t.co/bOtLiPEQMr
2021最颠覆我认知的就是出现了一批要付费的浏览器。比如: https://t.co/slpI1HWd4m, https://t.co/r2wgMmoTTq 可能是嘴养刁了吧,感觉每月要为浏览器付费有点难以接受。。虽然sidekick确实也颠覆了我对浏览器的认知。但是最后还是选择了性能更好的Edge。我以前还以为浏览器是最好赚钱的工具呢。
Here the gatsbyjs theme: https://t.co/4nGt4aBofq , support Local search, graph visualisation, tags first, support Gitbook styled https://t.co/BW3gBHyw3t for custom sidebar, [[WikiLink]], Light/Dark Theme, custom header nav items, nested sidebar, etc.
Since I found Everything I Know https://t.co/tR06fpdo6Y, I was fascinated by this concept, about wiki, second brain, lifetime notes, back links, tags. But you know the FE programmer will never satisfied the other's UI, So I also create a theme for my wiki https://t.co/MVzEPpwxFa
Suddenly received more than 30 spam emails on gmail. I don't know how to deal it.
I created this site for my own needs:
1. Get updates of my favorite awesome list in a timely manner.
2. See the star count while I was browsing the awesome repo.
I'm glad if this also happens to meet your needs. https://t.co/KiHAFK29eE
Excited to be launching https://t.co/VfCFMKKbaZ on ph, which you can use to keep track of the Github awesome repos instead of just starring them. If you like it, please upvote for me on ph https://t.co/T671B0aoqw
Producthunt 越来越没意思了,新产品很难再出现让人眼前一亮的东西。反而是reddit上的业余项目小组上的东西都很有意思,而且上面的开发者让人感觉产品背后是普通独立开发者,而不是CEO https://t.co/MxGXc9UVfl
Console: A free weekly roundup of the latest in open-source software https://t.co/U71RZlZDGr
It's really helpful for discovering new open-source softwares and the people behind the software.
@TeamYouTube @Inoreader Same here. RSS url: https://t.co/muWceCjFwA , I don't know if it's a feature or a bug.
有人能用macbook自带的键盘编程?光是发烫就受不了啊。上一个hhkb坏了,这几天在用原生键盘,效率直线下降。下一个键盘换一个 左右分离的,客制化,人体工学的键盘。等到了发个体验报告。
这么多前端的UI框架,最喜欢的还是 https://t.co/063o7JuSs8 , 真正的主题化,概念少,用起来很顺手。就是不知道为啥才3k star
今天发现了一个个人wiki网站,叫 "Everything I know", https://t.co/Ei8eLZBcQI 就是把自己毕生所学的东西一点点放在wiki上,感觉很好唉!甚至比博客都好?或者相互补充,改天我也要给自己建一个,以后可以给孙子说,这是你爷爷的毕生所学,拿去吧。
上个项目的小程序用了mpx框架,是一个基于原生小程序的框架,虽然框架本身封装的还不够优雅,但是够用,以及最重要的是性能没有任何折扣。试过tora, remax 等react框架,发现这些框架根本就不可用啊,随便一个列表,点起来都慢的要死,虽然写起来很爽,但是真的,不可用。推荐 https://t.co/qYt8R0t9PI
上个项目由于强大的反爬技术GG了,沉淀出了一个小程序用的tailwind库,发现用tailwind写小程序很爽,小程序本身写起来很恶心,但是用了tailwind之后神清气爽。 https://t.co/jGyFGgLues