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本来想用jellyfin作为影视中心的,但是发现客户端并不是 native 的,暂时还不胜用,所以直接用Caddy当静态服务器,未完待续 https://t.co/9tDdy5udlL
The best places to post your startup.
A great way to show your product to the world is by sharing it on platforms like @ProductHunt, @IndieHackers, @reddit, etc. It’s also an easy way to get some feedback and backlinks. Here are some great directories to submit your product.👇
微软出的rust在线教程,课程设计的挺好的,感觉比我用的easy rust book好,更加的系统,以及从浅到深,所以这两天又跟着再入门一遍。推荐给初学者。 https://t.co/ZQZwfX7Hjl ,另外我在wiki里收藏了一些最近看到的rust相关的优秀资源。 https://t.co/zuyzmvl8O0
The biggest feeling of learning rust is: modern.
That's exactly a modern programming language should be.
这几天入门了下rust,跟着这本 https://t.co/ZYPPCfGYTU教程学的。边学边做ruslings的练习题,把我做的答案上传了: https://t.co/bOtLiPEQMr
2021最颠覆我认知的就是出现了一批要付费的浏览器。比如: https://t.co/slpI1HWd4m, https://t.co/r2wgMmoTTq 可能是嘴养刁了吧,感觉每月要为浏览器付费有点难以接受。。虽然sidekick确实也颠覆了我对浏览器的认知。但是最后还是选择了性能更好的Edge。我以前还以为浏览器是最好赚钱的工具呢。
Here the gatsbyjs theme: https://t.co/4nGt4aBofq , support Local search, graph visualisation, tags first, support Gitbook styled https://t.co/BW3gBHyw3t for custom sidebar, [[WikiLink]], Light/Dark Theme, custom header nav items, nested sidebar, etc.
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Suddenly received more than 30 spam emails on gmail. I don't know how to deal it.
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Producthunt 越来越没意思了,新产品很难再出现让人眼前一亮的东西。反而是reddit上的业余项目小组上的东西都很有意思,而且上面的开发者让人感觉产品背后是普通独立开发者,而不是CEO https://t.co/MxGXc9UVfl
Console: A free weekly roundup of the latest in open-source software https://t.co/U71RZlZDGr
It's really helpful for discovering new open-source softwares and the people behind the software.