@TeamYouTube @Inoreader Same here. RSS url: https://t.co/muWceCjFwA , I don't know if it's a feature or a bug.
有人能用macbook自带的键盘编程?光是发烫就受不了啊。上一个hhkb坏了,这几天在用原生键盘,效率直线下降。下一个键盘换一个 左右分离的,客制化,人体工学的键盘。等到了发个体验报告。
这么多前端的UI框架,最喜欢的还是 https://t.co/063o7JuSs8 , 真正的主题化,概念少,用起来很顺手。就是不知道为啥才3k star
今天发现了一个个人wiki网站,叫 "Everything I know", https://t.co/Ei8eLZBcQI 就是把自己毕生所学的东西一点点放在wiki上,感觉很好唉!甚至比博客都好?或者相互补充,改天我也要给自己建一个,以后可以给孙子说,这是你爷爷的毕生所学,拿去吧。
上个项目的小程序用了mpx框架,是一个基于原生小程序的框架,虽然框架本身封装的还不够优雅,但是够用,以及最重要的是性能没有任何折扣。试过tora, remax 等react框架,发现这些框架根本就不可用啊,随便一个列表,点起来都慢的要死,虽然写起来很爽,但是真的,不可用。推荐 https://t.co/qYt8R0t9PI
上个项目由于强大的反爬技术GG了,沉淀出了一个小程序用的tailwind库,发现用tailwind写小程序很爽,小程序本身写起来很恶心,但是用了tailwind之后神清气爽。 https://t.co/jGyFGgLues
The browser Vivaldi https://t.co/W1cVtRwF4V , I think it's the best one for me. I created several workspaces, separated sessions, so I can switch the workspace for different purpose, work, home, anonymous, project. I also like the features like sidebar panels, custom bookmark bar https://t.co/zAQy0bMeTC
Hope matrix android can work well soon, for now, due to the default security policy of the android platform it's unable to connect to HTTP protocol addresses. https://t.co/kIr4rTUTph
After trying many self-hosted chat server solutions(e.g. Matrix,Rocket chat, mattermost) and some p2p chat apps,, I choose Mattermost, it's the only solution that worked at a local network, though it's not friendly to encrypted messages, my need is for LAN chat, so it's not bad.
"The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient"
- Warren Buffett
我在想 庄家是不是可以用大数据计算出一个股票下跌时韭菜的平均恐慌期,也就是下跌第几天的时候开始坐不住并且亏损出售,这个时候庄可以开始买入。 这肯定屡试屡爽啊,反正我就是这种一开始下跌时坐得住,但要是连续跌几天,就有点坐不住,每当我坐不住卖出的时候,就是触底反弹之时。
我在想clubhouse的音频提供商是声网,一个中国公司,如果政府要审查,是不是会更容易? https://t.co/txyzlNN8Zp
估計先釣魚、喝茶再ban . https://t.co/Z77AWk7OBo